Category: News

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Dzanc Books and Disquiet to assist Ukrainian writers

The staff of Dzanc Books and Disquiet have been watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine with horror. Like many, we’re trying to find small ways to help. We’ve secured a donation of $50,000 USD that we’ll be directing to individual Ukrainian writers and their families to help them get to safety. We can also provide support in relocating to the US or Portugal for writers and their families who wish to explore those options. Ukrainian writers and their families wishing to access these funds may contact us directly at (Donors wishing to further support these initiatives may make contributions at this link.) Additionally, all proceeds from sales of Dzanc books for the month of March will be donated 100% to Ukraine humanitarian efforts.

Dzanc Books was created in 2006 to advance great writing and to impact communities in the US and around the world.

Shelley Puhak in Smithsonian

An article adapted from DISQUIET alum Shelley Puhak’s forthcoming book, The Dark Queens, examines “two lesser-known but long-reigning and influential Frankish queens” ofthe early Middle Ages, Brunhild and Fredegund. Read it in Smithsonian Magazine!

Stephanie Dinsae and more in The Common

The Common issue #22 is here, and with it Stephanie Dinsae’s 2021 DISQUIET Prize-winning poem, “Dey.” Read it here!

In Issue #22 you’ll also find a portfolio of writing from the Arabian Gulf co-edited by Noor Naga (2019 fiction winner) and an essay by longtime DISQUIET staffer Steven Tagle, among many other things.