Category: News

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10th Anniversary and Faculty Lineup to Die For

Disquiet 2020 will be Disquiet’s 10th Anniversary!! To celebrate, we’ve got one of the most exciting faculty lineups imaginable:

GUEST AUTHOR: Tayari Jones

FICTION: Joy Williams, Maaza Mengiste, Molly Antopol, Gabriel Bump

POETRY: Ben Lerner, Shayla Lawson

NONFICTION: T Kira Madden, Chanan Tigay


EDITORS from Granta and Jennifer Acker from The Common

CRAFT SESSIONS led by Jensen Beach, Deanne Fitzmaurice, Arthur Flowers, Annie Liontas, Cyriaco Lopez, and Terri Witek

PORTUGUESE GUESTS: Teolinda Gersão, Susana Moreira Marques, José Luís Peixoto, Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida, Jacinto Lucas Pires and Richard Zenith

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!!!


Maaza Mengiste in the New York Times

Disquiet 2020 Faculty Maaza Mengiste’s new novel THE SHADOW KING received a review in the NYT which ends: “…for once, all this grandeur, all this grace, is in the service of a tale of a woman, Hirut, as indelible and compelling a hero as any I’ve read in years. This novel made me feel pity and fear, and more times than is reasonable, gave me goose bumps. Reading it was like this: In the middle of battle, tortured by the thought of Kidane’s endless power over her, Hirut suddenly loses her fear of death. She runs toward the Italian Army, taps at her own chest, and says: Boom.” Read more here!