Category: News

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Jacinto Lucas Pires finishes up US tour for his novel The True Actor

Jacinto Lucas Pires recently finished up his US tour for his novel The True Actor (recently published in English by DISQUIET Books–, see video of him reading at the Functionally Literate reading series in Orlando here:

For more information on the Disquiet Imprint see:


DISQUIET partners with SLS Vilnius–attend both programs and save on tuition

Announcing a new collaboration with SLS Vilnius: Through a unique partnership between two of the world’s best international literary programs– DISQUIET Lisbon (June 29 – July 11, 2014)  and SLS Lithuania (July 13 – 26, 2014) — we’re offering a special discount for participants attending both!

Save $1200 (30% off each program) and see the literary sides of both Eastern and Western Europe. Faculty and guest writers include Erica Dawson, Tibor Fischer, Denis Johnson, Dorothea Lasky, David Lehman, Fiona McCrae, Eileen Myles, Josip Novakovich, Alissa Nutting, Padgett Powell, Miriam Toews, Katherine Vaz, Sasha Weiss,Terri Witek, Rebecca Wolff and many, many more. Space is limited.

Apply now, indicating that you wish to attend both programs in the Notes and Special requests section at: and

For more info contact or or see: or

Two months left to go! Send your poetry, fiction, and nonfiction to the DISQUIET Prize!

There’s just under two months left before the deadline for the DISQUIET Literary Prize! Our multi-genre contest will publish a winner in each genre: fiction in Guernica, non-fiction in, and poetry in The Collagist. One grand prize winner will be chosen by an outside judge to receive a full scholarship (travel, tuition and lodging) to attend the amazing DISQUIET International Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal, to take place June 29-July 11, 2014.

The DISQUIET Prize is no longer limited to work with an international bent. So send us your best, whatever that is!

Entry fee: $15 (US). One entry may include up to ten poems or a single prose piece up to twenty double-spaced pages in length. Use our easy Submittable form or see our contest page for instructions on how to enter by post.

Submissions close Feb. 15, 2014.

Congratulations to International Literary Award and Luso-American Scholarship winners!

We’re pleased to announce that Catriona Wright of Toronto, Ontario is the winner of the third annual Dzanc Books / Guernica International Literary Award for her short story “Veils”! It was a hard call this year, with even more entries than last year of an extremely high caliber.

In addition, four North American writers of Luso descent were awarded full scholarships to attend DISQUIET 2013 through a partnership with the Luso-American Development Foundation, with partial scholarships awarded to finalists and semi-finalists. The 2013 scholarship winners are:

  • Chris Arnold (fiction)
  • Marie Carvalho (poetry)
  • Anne-Marie Ross (nonfiction)
  • Amy Souza (fiction)

Congratulations to all winners and finalists!

Nothing on the planet beats the collective haunting inspired each July by Disquiet. Terri Witek, 2012 Faculty

The Disquiet Blog

Thanks for visiting. Here is where we’ll post news and events and other info about the International Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal, 2011 and beyond. Check back often, and we’ll try to keep it fresh.


Welcome to the blog for the inaugural Dzanc Books International Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal. Join some of North America’s and Portugal’s most interesting contemporary writers for two weeks in one of the most transfixing cities in the world.