[M]y experience at DisQuiet was absolutely life changing. I will be forever grateful for the things that I learned and the people that I met. I believe that life long relationships have been born. Yma Johnson, 2015 Participant

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The workshop with Leslie Jamison, fellow writers and their works, the readings, events, and Lisbon itself, etc.--they all truly surpassed anything I'd imagined. Somehow, in spite of how rigorous and stimulating (and packed) the schedule was, I ended up writing quite a bit. I also managed to go out and explore and eat (a lot) and drink (a bit) and talk and laugh (a lot) and get to know truly amazing folks, some of whom I am happy to call friends now. A group of us were talking about this phenomenon one night and someone offered the theory that the intensity of this experience and thoughtful structure of the program allows folks to be a bit more open and vulnerable--often more quickly--to each other in meaningful ways. I think this has been true for me. Being in Lisbon and participating in Disquiet offered a much-needed recalibration. Esther Lee, 2015 Participant
Maaza Mengiste on Breyten Breytenbach
Maaza Mengiste, Disquiet Faculty ’16, writes on being mentored by Breyten Breytenbach in Guernica, an excerpt from A Manner of Being: Writers on Their Mentors, just out by UMass Press!
Padgett Powell on Donald Barthelme
Padgett Powell, DQ Faculty ’14 and ’16, writes A Tribute to Barthelme in Tin House–an excerpt from A Manner of Being: Writers on Their Mentors, available now from UMass Press!
A Manner of Being is out!
A Manner of Being: Writers on Their Mentors is out! Edited by Disquiet’s Jeff Parker and Annie Liontas, featuring essays by Disquiet Faculty and Guests Arthur Rickydoc Flowers, Stefan Kiesbye, Noy Holland, Mary Gaitskill, Tayari Jones, Scott Laughlin, Adam Levin, Sam Lipsyte, George Saunders, Deb Olin Unferth, Rui Zinc… the list goes on!