On Disquiet ’14 and ’16 Guest Denis Johnson
“…one of the most impressive bodies of work of any current writer living anywhere, not just America.” Read more at Flavorwire!
285 posts in Category: News
“…one of the most impressive bodies of work of any current writer living anywhere, not just America.” Read more at Flavorwire!
“After reading Levi, what I know is this: that in narrowing our vision to include only what we can tolerate, in leaving thousands of our dead, of our drowned, nameless, we are reducing ourselves.” Read more here…
17 images that prove it!
There may be time to try all 15…
A fantastic site, featuring essays by DISQUIET speaker Richard Zenith!
Neither Here Nor There : Portuguese and North American Writers is a new anthology out in Portuguese featuring countless DISQUIET alumni, past and present, faculty and participants. We’ll be hosting an event (in English) with the distinguished folk responsible for the book (and who hosted the conference at the University of Lisbon that it grew out of) and many readers the first Monday of DISQUIET 2016!
Read Moscow Windows here!
discussing anal beads and listening to the radio…
Night owls will get to stay out until the sun comes up along the waterfront…
Here’s the version with pictures. Here’s the short version: 3-course meal, amber nectar, fortified wines, the navigator, wooden trams, vertical lift, sausages, Brazil, pasteis, Gothic chapels, murals, bridges, miradouros, castelos, car park roof, 2,799 hours of sunshine, wild stretches, Neverland-fairytale, small mercies.