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Scott Laughlin in Guernica!

“Maybe I fell asleep or maybe I was abducted by aliens or maybe the drugs hadn’t worn off, but I lost myself and only came back when Quipster unzipped my tent. ‘The Man burns in an hour. Can you be ready?'”


Read more of “Black Rock City” here!

Interested in Fulbright?

Disquiet alum, Phillip Wenturine, has been enjoying a year living, writing, and teaching all over Portugal through the US Fulbright Program. This program, sponsored by the US Department of State, allows college graduates to work and research abroad as cultural ambassadors to the United States. The goal is to foster a mutual understanding between the US and other countries. That being said, it is also a two-way street! Phillip has been working with his students all year to learn English, and one of them was just selected to attend a Fulbright summer seminar on leadership in Washington D.C. and South Carolina this summer! He said his student is “Excited to practice his English skills in an immersive environment, experience how diverse America is, and try Chipotle for the first time.” He says his student never thought he would get such an opportunity, and he couldn’t be more proud as a teacher. Below are the links to both the US Fulbright end for those interested in Fulbright Portugal, or any other country, or for those in Portugal wishing to go to the United States. Phillip says it could really change your life!

2017 Faculty Jeffery Renard Allen

Urgently Visible: Why Black Lives Matter

“Resist in the ways that you are, in the ways that you live and go about the world. Those of us who make, who create, should make, create, while those of us who act up and disrupt, act up and disrupt, and through such artistic and political practice we, to quote Said again, decide ‘what truth and principles [we] should…defend, uphold, represent.’ We shall be known by our fruits.”

Disquiet’s first book contest!

DISQUIET is pleased to announce its first book contest. Maybe you’ve heard that the world is crazy about borders and walls and such these days. Well our contest is looking for books that in some way constitute the opposite of that. Please send them to us!

<<<Established in 2017, the Dzanc Books/Disquiet Open Borders Book Prize seeks book-length manuscripts in fiction or nonfiction exhibiting a marked commitment to mutual understanding and cultural exchange across the globe. Dzanc Books and the Disquiet International Literary Program in Lisbon, Portugal, strive to promote literature that crosses boundaries and to advocate for a diverse, global literary discourse. The winning submission will be awarded a $5,000 advance and publication in Fall 2018 by the Disquiet imprint of Dzanc Books.>>>