Lisbon in Top 10 Cities to Visit in 2017
Lisbon is #8! Plan your trip now!
Lisbon is #8! Plan your trip now!
Disquiet’s Stephen Sparks and Molly Parent are BUYING A BOOKSTORE! Check out Point Reyes Books and ways to contribute if you’re interested!
It’s been decided, and not even by us! See why Lisbon is Europe’s best city here!
DISQUIET Faculty Katherine Vaz will teach monthly writing workshop in Manhattan!
WHEN: First Monday evening of every month (6-10 PM)
WHERE: Katherine’s Upper East Side library!
CAN’T MAKE IT TO NEW YORK? Try a manuscript consultation!
CONTACT KATHERINE FOR DETAILS: (857) 928-3377 or (note middle initial “a”)
Lisbon’s glistening Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology opens its doors!!