Disquiet ’18 Guest Terrance Hayes
Read and listen to Hayes’ “American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin [“Inside me is a black-eyed animal”]” at Poetry Foundation.
by Jane Dykema in News
Read and listen to Hayes’ “American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin [“Inside me is a black-eyed animal”]” at Poetry Foundation.
by Jane Dykema in News
Disquiet Faculty ’17 Jeffery Renard Allen in Guernica.
by Jane Dykema in News
Disquiet’s beloved ’14 and ’16 guest Denis Johnson interviewed for Longreads: “Lying Down in the Dirt: An Interview with Denis Johnson”
by Jane Dykema in News
Check out the lineup for NOS Alive ’18 and see if this music festival is the way you want to wrap up your time in Lisbon!
by Jane Dykema in News
Disquiet Faculty ’15 Leslie Jamison’s essay on the Museum of Broken Relationships in VQR.