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Shayla Lawson in The Cut

You are here because you are cool. You have arrived. You’ve finally landed a career in some transparent millennial advertising agency with the pinball machine and the snacks and the sliding-glass office spaces. After three to six interviews and a probation period that amounted to an extended six-month half-paid internship — so you could shadow the girl whose new position comes with a pay bump meaning she will earn four times more than you — you have made it: a job with health care and vision and dental and sick pay and the opportunity to quit at least two of your four to six side jobs.

If you haven’t seen it yet, head over to The Cut for an excerpt from Shayla Lawson’s new book This Is Major: Notes on Diana Ross, Dark Girls, and Being Dope.



New Nonfiction from Poupeh Missaghi

The COVID-19 pandemic has raised not only practical questions with regard to our public health, environment, education, and sociopolitical systems, but also concerns about our ability to cope psychologically. Many experts have been warning about the mental health impacts of the disaster. They have discussed how the pandemic has been a trigger for a lot of old suppressed emotions, causing them to rise to the surface. It has also raised many philosophical questions about what it means to be a human being in this world.

Read alum Poupeh Missaghi’s essay, “A Persian New Year Beginning with COVID-19” in the June 2020 issue of Words Without Borders.

Jay Boss Rubin in Barzakh

“You Have to Use Your Brains to Survive,” the opening chapter of alum Jay Boss Rubin’s novel in progress, was published by Barzak magazine in their Spring 2020 issue! You can read it here.

Another excerpt is available in the latest issue (004) of the Buckmxn Journal.

Cleyvis Natera in Cupcakes & Cashmere

2019 alum Cleyvis Natera has a new essay up on Cupcakes & Cashmere! You can read “White Supremacy is Not Just an American Problem – It’s a Global Pandemic” here.