Teolinda Gersão
Portuguese Guest
Teolinda Gersão is author of 19 books, translated in 20 countries. Some of her works have been adapted to theatre and cinema. She received some of the most important Portuguese literary awards and was writer-in-residence at the University of California, Barkeley. English translations: The Word Tree (novel) Dedalus Books, UK; City of Ulysses (novel) Dalkey Archive, USA; O Regresso de Júlia Mann a Paraty is being translated in the USA by Elizabeth Lowe; Short stories in: Two Lines, The Common, The Threepenny Review, A Public Space, Harden Ferry´s Review. Anthologies: New Sudden Fiction, Best short stories from America and beyond, W.W. Norton, 2007; Take Six, (Six Portuguese Women Writers), edited by Margaret Jull Costa, Dedalus Books, UK, 2018; Best European Fiction, edited by Alex Andriesse, Dalkey Archive Press, USA 2019; Lisbon Stories, edited by Helen Constantine and Amanda Hopkinson, Oxford University Press, 2019; Best small fiction 2021, (Sonderpress. First published in The Common). In 2023 she received the DST Literature Grand Prize, one of the most important in Portugal.