Terri Witek


Terri Witek’s many books of poetry include her 2023 collection, Something’s Missing in This Museum and a new chapbook: copies: I loved you in the hard old way (2024 Sigilist Press). Down Water Street is forthcoming from aboveground press in 2025, W/\ SH , a collaboration with poet Amaranth Borsuk ,loops the eco-emergency as a crisis of rain and smoke between worlds and is forthcoming from Anhinga. Her work has been included in many anthologies, including 2 from 2021: JUDITH: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset) and the WAAVe (Women Asemic Artists and Visual Poets) Global Gallery .  Witek’s individual and collaborative work has also been featured in Fence, The Colorado Review, Hampden-Sydney Poetry Review, American Poetry Review, Poetry, Slate, Hudson Review, Lana Turner, The New Republic, Utsanga, and other journals and anthologies. With Brazilian visual artist Cyriaco Lopes (cyriacolopes.com) Witek co-founded Poetry in the Expanded Field in Stetson University’s low-residency MFA of the Americas; the duo also lead The Fernando Pessoa Game at the Disquiet International Literary Program each summer in Lisbon. Their two decades of collaborative text/image work as cyriacolopesterriwitek has been featured at ARCO in Madrid and in Seoul, Chania (Crete), Miami, New York, Philadelphia, Lisbon, Valencia, Spain and many other arts and literary venues.  terriwitek.com