Kalaf Epalanga
Portuguese Guest
Kalaf Epalanga (1978) is a writer and musician born in Benguela, Angola, and based in Berlin. As a musician, he co-founded the record label Enchufada and is a member of Buraka Som Sistema (on hiatus since 2016). He has written columns for the Portuguese newspaper Público, GQ Magazine (Portugal), the independent Angolan online magazine REDE Angola and the Brazilian literary magazine Quatro Cinco Um. He published two collections of literary chronicles in Portugal and Angola Estórias de Amor para Meninos de Cor (Love Stories for Colored Kids) and O Angolano que Comprou Lisboa (Por Metade do Preço) (The Angolan who Bought Lisbon (at Half the Price)). He curated the 2021 Berlin African Book Festival and was one of the five curators of the 10th edition of Africa Writes 2023 in London. Whites Can Dance Too is his debut novel, translated into English by Daniel Hahn and published by Faber.