Amina Gautier
Amina Gautier is the author of three short story collections: At-Risk, Now We Will Be Happy and The Loss of All Lost Things. At-Risk was awarded the Flannery O’Connor Award, The First Horizon Award, and the Eric Hoffer Legacy Fiction Award. Now We Will Be Happy was awarded the Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Fiction, the International Latino Book Award, the Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Award, a National Silver Medal IPPY Award and was a Finalist for the William Saroyan International Prize. The Loss of All Lost Things was awarded the Elixir Press Award in Fiction, the Royal Palm Literary Award, the Chicago Public Library’s 21st Century Award, a National Silver Medal IPPY Award, and was named Finalist for the Paterson Prize, the John Gardner Prize in Fiction, and an IndieFab Award. Her stories appear in Agni, Callaloo, Glimmer Train, Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Southern Review, and Quarterly West among other places. Gautier has received fellowships, residencies, and scholarships from Breadloaf Writer’s Conference, The Carmago Foundation, The Château de Lavigny, Dora Maar/Brown Foundation, Hawthornden Castle, Kimbilio, MacDowell Colony, the Ragdale Foundation, Sewanee Writer’s Conference, Ucross Foundation, VCCA, and Vermont Studio Center.